To have and to hold


I always knew my prince would come.  I just used to think he would be on a motorcycle covered  in tattoos with the height of an NBA player.  Silly me.  Little did I know that God’s ways are much bigger than mine. He showed me that is was so much more than the appearance (although, my husband is a TOTAL babe!)

I was truly looking for my future husband in all the wrong places wondering why my heart got broken time and time again.  I had all these prerequisites and  eliminated anyone who didn’t  fit the mold. I got cheated on and lied to more times than I could count.

I knew I needed to break away and decided to give up and wait on the Lord.  He knew what I needed and that I wanted a man who loved Jesus more than he could ever love me.  So I waited.  I waited years! I wondered if he would ever come.  If he was on his way he wasn’t on a horse he was riding a turtle.

If you haven’t noticed I’m obsessed with Instagram.  I feel like you can learn so much about someone by the pictures they capture and share with the world.  I was scrolling through when I was stopped in my tracks.  My friend posted a picture with a group of her college friends and I saw a cutie that I HAD to know more about.  So of course, I texted my friend and grilled her on this new guy.  She told me he was interested in someone else.  Darn.  Haha… you guys are silly…  If you thought that stopped me from creeping his page you are wrong. What’s that saying? If you want it you gotta go get it!  I liked a picture here and liked a picture there.  Score! I caught his attention. He added me on Instagram and then of Facebook.  Believe it or not we talked regularly for a year before I made him meet me.  I knew from that first date that I wanted to get to know him all I could.  I remember saying, “if he isn’t the one I’m to marry then he suuuure has set the bar high.”

He taught me to trust after all those horrible relationships I had been in.  He taught me to talk when all I wanted to do was shut down. He taught me patience when things didn’t go my way. He is so patient with me even when I’m so crabby in the morning. He is my support system when I just want give up on something.

I waited in every sense of the word for this man.  Even though I didn’t know what God had for me I waited.  It has been so worth it.  Even though since I was a little girl I imagined I would be married at 18 with kids at 21 I couldn’t be happier with the way my life turned out.  I met him later in life.  I waited.

I urge you to wait in the Lord.  Trust Him and know that His timing is perfect.  HE WILL BRING YOU YOUR PRINCE.  I promise.





