Shhh.. 2 of My Biggest Hair Secrets Revealed



I’m one of those weirdos where if my hair isn’t looking good that day it can send me into a funk for the REST of the day. I have to make sure at the very least my hair looks good. (it really can make up for a lack of makeup)

#1 Secret:


Seriously, It makes all the difference. I can go days without washing my hair. If you aren’t used to that it can sound absolutely disgusting. For real though. My hair will be flat the first day I wash it. Even if I put awesome product and loads of hairspray 3 hours in and the curl is completely gone. I don’t have any tips to prevent that. If you know any please share! My 2nd and 3rd day are the best hair days. (3rd by far the best) Anything past that and I’m stretching it. It needs a braid or starts to get itchy. I think it’s a mental thing haha.

If you are used to washing your hair everyday because you tend to get greasy don’t fret you can still do it.  Your hair can be trained. Test it out. Day 1. Start by washing your hair. Style it for the day business as usual. Wake up day 2… Probably noticing a little grease… ?DRY SHAMPOO! It’s your secret weapon. Even if it is greasy at the end of the day don’t worry. Training your hair is not a quick process. It takes a little feeling gross at the beginning. You WILL be greasy but fight through it. Time to start the process again. Day 1. Wash your hair. Day 2. Dry shampoo. This time there is a Day 3. Dry shampoo. You hair will get used to this but you really have to be dedicated. Like I said, I don’t usually go longer then 3 days because I start to feel icky. Keep doing this process and each time going a day longer. Your scalp will stop producing the amount of oil that it did when you first started.




#2 Secret:


Please don’t tune out. I used to have the same bad connotation when I heard the word. The only reason why you feel that way is because you have seen REALLY BAD ones. If you get cheap extensions you will look cheap. Remember, this is solely my opinion.  I’m not saying you need to spend $300+ but with my experience $100+ is going to get you a good set. As much as I’d love to try Foxy LocksBellami HairLaced Hair Extensions I simply do not have the money. I think my husband would kill me but I hear nothing but good things about them and I really want the length they offer so maybe someday. Instead I go to Sally’s Beauty and get the EuroNext Premium Remy hair in 18′ clip ins. I cannot stress enough that I do not use these for length as much as I use them for volume. They really truly make a difference. They add the depth to my hair that I like and get complemented on. There’s so many people that do not know that I wear them and that is exactly how you know that I’m doing it right. EuroNext makes the color I need that matches my hair completely. That is the biggest most important tip I can give. Make sure they are the right color.


Now you have 2 of my BIGGEST hair secrets.  Side note: I am a firm believer that when you do wash your hair you need to be using a quality product. I haven’t had any luck buying a shampoo/conditioner from Target or any other store like that. I find that they dry my hair out, strip the color, or leave it dull and flat. If you have questions about product or tools don’t be afraid to reach out. I look forward to any questions you might have.







3 thoughts on “Shhh.. 2 of My Biggest Hair Secrets Revealed

  1. Danica! I need you to come do my hair every day! Most days I don’t even have time to do anything but let it air dry. I’m envious of you!


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